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Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Parts-Metal 30T Differentials gear, 12428-0011, Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Parts Replacement Accessories

  • Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Metal 30T Differentials gear, 12428-0011, Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Parts Replacement Accessories
  • Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Metal 30T Differentials gear, 12428-0011, Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Parts Replacement Accessories
    Product SKU:00030469
  • Market Price:$USD
  • Now Price:$7.99USD
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  • Brand:Wltoys
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This is the Wltoys 12428 Upgrade Metal 30T Differentials gear parts for the 12428 Car, The Kit number is 12428-0011. Replacement Accessories.

These Parts are used for the Wltoys 12428 RC Car Buggy, cross country Wl toys 12428 1/12 High-Speed Racing Car

If you want to buy more parts for this 12428 RC Car,
Please click the link below:

Wltoys 12428 Parts

Wltech Wltoys 12428 RC Racing Car Truck and Parts

Now, The Wltoys factory has produced 4 Series for the 12428 Car, which is the 12428, 12428-A,12428-B, and 12428-C.
The internal structure of these 4 products is roughly the same. These 4 cars' outer Body shell is different, and also only little inner parts are different.
So when you choose the parts accessories, like Tires, batteries, remote control, receiving board, hexagon nuts, screws, etc. can all be used in common.
Some special parts you can according to your Car Number to choose parts.

Wltoys 12428-A Parts for The Wltoys 12428-A RC Car

Wltoys 12428-B Parts for The Wltoys 12428-B RC Car

Wltoys 12428-C Parts for The Wltoys 12428-C RC Car

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